LET'S DIG | Pierre & Danilee Aristil
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- Matthew 22:37-39
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LET'S DIG | Pierre & Danilee Aristil
A Women’s Role in Marriage | How To Be A Wife God's Way
Reflecting on our own journey, we share poignant personal stories that illustrate the importance of mutual support when one spouse holds a prominent leadership role, especially in ministry. Discover how balancing submission with active participation can fortify a marriage, as we recount a heartfelt moment when a critical comment before a sermon was overcome by unwavering spousal support. Our discussion underscores the potential pitfalls of self-centeredness in leadership and the profound need for a partnership grounded in biblical principles.
Finally, we examine the concept of mutual submission, drawing from Ephesians, Chapter 5, and offer practical advice for women who are apprehensive about marriage or remarriage. Learn about the power of small acts of service and the importance of aligning with a spouse who shares your faith. We'll also delve into the impact of godly actions within a marriage, urging listeners to understand their unique gifts and roles. Engage with us in this deep dive into the power and purpose of women in marriage, and how these principles can enrich any relationship.
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Would you like to be a blessing:
What's up everybody? Welcome to, let's Dig.
Speaker 2:The Podcast. Oh, that was so cheesy, I don't know why do we do that. It was your face. You gave me the face of like, jump in, jump in. And I was like, oh, I'm ready.
Speaker 1:Hey, you know we finish together, baby, we do. I'll examine, Matter of fact, speaking of husband and wifey things, today's conversation you guys remember the conversation from last week. If you do not remember, we're going to put the link right here in the link right here on YouTube. Go back and listen to it. It's also on Apple, Spotify and all the other places too, as well.
Speaker 2:Why did you say that, like the Apple Spotify, like you said it, like it was one place?
Speaker 1:Apple, spotify. Sorry, I like to move my commas around. Relax, okay, it's going to be a good conversation today. You guys remember last week we were talking about it. We were talking about it. We were talking about the role of a husband, how God designed it, what God told me about what it takes to be a husband. So we talked about that and we actually still been chewing on it, got a lot of feedback Got a lot of feedback on TikTok, on YouTube, on Instagram, all the places.
Speaker 1:So it's really cool to hear you guys really talk about how that's been blessing you. It's still blessing us. It's an ongoing conversation on the role of a husband, god's way. So if you haven't listened to it, please once again go back and listen. I think it'll bless you husbands. I think it'll bless you husbands. I think it will bless you wives. It's going to bless you as well to understand the weight that your husband has. Also, if you're dating Right, this is for you too as well If you're divorced and you're seeking marriage again, whatever it is like, really go back and see what the Bible says about how God has designed it for us to be as husband and wife. But today is going to be part two.
Speaker 2:It's going to be part two.
Speaker 1:It's going to be wives we're going to be talking about the role of a wife, the way god designed it to be.
Speaker 2:I'm super excited are you?
Speaker 1:I am all right? Well then, let's go, let's dig, let's dig.
Speaker 2:Um, I I really loved how we talked about last week and we we hit on it. So if you didn't listen to that, you do want to go back and listen to it, because we're going to touch on a few of those things. But one of them was talking about how God is over man and then man is over their wives and husbands are over their wives, and that you guys are a covering for us us. And so, as I was preparing for this episode and kind of thinking of what I wanted to talk about and what God was saying to me about what wives role is and what that looks like, and we're going to touch on a few of them we always hear the word submission when we think of wives and husbands.
Speaker 2:It is honestly the main thing that the Bible says in regards to wives is submission.
Speaker 1:So we- but we talked about last week. Actually it was saying submit to one another, but specifically it was telling the wives to submit to their husbands.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and so so we're going to. We're going to touch touch on that for sure. But I really loved when I was researching and looking into things and I was reading and I'm going to shout it out again because I've shouted out on this channel before but, it really did change my life and it is this book called Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women God's Design for Female Identity.
Speaker 2:It's from Dr Miles Monroe and it really, really, really like shook me. And basically in this book there's a part where he was talking about how, when God was designing Adam and he was creating him, you were created out of the dust. But then he said you know, it was not good for a man to be alone, and so he put Adam back to sleep. And in this book Dr Masmond Rowe was talking about how he didn't go back to the dust to create the woman. He actually went to Adam.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and pulled her out of him and pulled her out of him and out of his rib, which is his side, and so I thought it was so cool how last week we spent so much time talking about the layers of covering of God over man and man over wife, but then you see that actually in creation, god did the same levels. God created man and then, instead of God creating woman from him, he said God created man and then God created woman out of man. It was that same layers and.
Speaker 2:I thought that was really really cool.
Speaker 1:It's so profound too, because if you look back in Genesis, where God is talking and he's saying let us create man out of our own image to be like us. To be like us, we were designed to be like God, right? He said let us make man out of our own image. And for you to say that, and also, you see there he said now we're going to make a woman, because it's not good for a man to be alone. So instead of him saying like, okay, I'm going to make a woman out of me too, he said I'm actually going to pull the woman out of the man. And so it's so important for men to understand why their wives long for their attention.
Speaker 2:Literally in this book. One of the purposes that he says women instinctually carry and were created for was to be a receiver of a man's love. Because that's why he said it is not good for a man to be alone. And so he created women, and it is in our nature to receive love. That's why we need so much of it. That's why I tell you it's not enough. Keep it coming.
Speaker 1:I'm getting cotton off right now, just thinking about how much I'm you about to suck me dry, I mean yeah, we're going to get flagged. That's it, guys.
Speaker 2:We're going to get flagged on YouTube? Our 1000 subscribers Shout out. Are we not talking?
Speaker 1:about wives? Are we going to talk about that point in the bible when Paul is talking to in Corinthians, where he's telling to give your bodies unto each other, that your body is not your own.
Speaker 2:That's true are you going to talk about that today? I actually did not have that in the plans. Alright, while you're talking to them, you find that scripture.
Speaker 1:While you talk to them. I'm going to go ahead. And just for those that are watching YouTube, you guys see my, um, my beautiful um, my, my, my wallpaper right here. It's Danny Lee. Um, her wallpaper is not me, but that's fine, go ahead, continue. It's the kids.
Speaker 2:All the moms know that that's the real deal.
Speaker 1:While you talk to them, go ahead.
Speaker 2:I'm going to go ahead and find the scripture All that to say um, that we are really created to receive. We're also created to duplicate. That's why we can receive an egg and pop out a baby. We are called to these things, we are created for these things and so, knowing that our submission to our husband, our relationship to our husband, the way we serve our husband is all part of the purpose of God's plan, and I want to make a fact and like a statement in this that every wife has a passion and a calling that God's put on them to hold a certain part in the role of their marriage. So some women, you know, I have friends that they thrive like. They stay up all night, they cannot sleep, they research about food and produce and healthy things for their kids to eat and their family to eat, depending on what the world is doing right now, which I do believe in all that craziness, but it is not one of my passions. I have other friends that they clean nonstop your sister-in-law or your sister Becky.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:She cleans nonstop.
Speaker 1:She has to tell herself to sit down. I love that yeah.
Speaker 2:It's incredible. I have whiffed and prayed that I had that gifting, but the Lord did not give me that gift.
Speaker 1:God gave you the gift of a butterfly, of a squirrel and a raccoon put together where you can just come, and you can customize any living space according to your likings for that day.
Speaker 2:I'm not feeling love right now.
Speaker 2:You're not helping, okay.
Speaker 2:So all that to say that every woman has their calling and their gifting inside of them, of what they hold in their marriage and in their family, and so it's not to say that they only serve their house, but it is part to serve their husband, to serve their family and to serve the Lord in that passion and whatever that may look like.
Speaker 2:So I want to say that that just because we are called to submit, just because we are all called to serve each other, does not mean that God has not given us gifts and talents and callings outside of the house as well. Like even thinking about, uh, deborah the judge, like she was married but she was also also a prophetess, and she was a judge that she's widely known for, cause she was the only female judge in the Bible, but she was married and she served and she changed the world. You know he was really really like raised for what she did in the battle and who she was and how people followed her, like she was a leader and a prophetess. And so I just want to encourage women to know that, just because of how the Bible says, submit, serve your husband yes, all those things, but don't forget the gifts inside of you that God has placed inside of you as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and there's times where I've had to actually even remind you that and pull that out of you because by nature you know you do enjoy being a a spousal support, like in a supportive role as a spouse, like you enjoy that. But we've talked about that in some of our other episodes, like when we first relaunched this, of the difference from being in a support role in that support position versus being in that shadow position it's a huge and it's different because support is different, right as we talk about the rib, right as we talk about garments that we put on for support.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right, there there's a difference. Like support actually can actually keep a man up, can keep him on his feet right, can keep him going. There's times you remember that one time I finished preaching, got off the platform and somebody came and rebuked me and made me feel bad for my presentation and how I delivered the sermon that day. My style, apparently my style made them uncomfortable. They could have been religious or, depending on their background or their culture, where they came from, right and between services. You asked me like man. You asked me like you, okay, how you doing, and I had to tell you someone literally just like, rebuked me before I'm getting ready to go into the second service, so they caught you in between.
Speaker 1:In between.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it got in your head a little bit.
Speaker 1:And you had to be the one to be my support and hold me up. Nope.
Speaker 2:You know your heart, you know what you said, you know what God spoke to you. You go out there and you say exactly what God put on your heart before anybody rebuked you. I was like you can pray about it later. I was like, but for right now you're called to say these things. Go do that.
Speaker 1:And there was. There were times in the past, babe, like you didn't step into that space. Yeah, you were more just like well, you know what to do.
Speaker 2:That's very true.
Speaker 1:Versus. You step into that space as my rib, as my side, as my help, as my mate, as my support. You strongly standing in that support role. And it's not like you're just sitting in the passenger seat, because passenger seat, co-pilot is just as important as the pilot.
Speaker 2:It's like a what do they call it? Princess passenger.
Speaker 1:I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 2:It is. It's like, it's like the seat where we just get to be in the passenger seat and you get to take care of everything. But I, I think that in the church world and in church culture, um, women are always told to submit, submit, submit. But I'm just a different breed and that that's easy to me, like that's really easy to me. I picked a husband that I trusted my whole life with, and so when women are like we're going to talk about marriage today, girls, you better submit to your husband, you better. I'm like got it, I'm fine with that, I love that. I picked someone who can lead me.
Speaker 2:Well, but then what I had to learn was the difference between submission and omission, and omission is usually like you know, oh, they were, it was a lie of omission. But the definition of omission is to leave something or someone out, and I realized that in our marriage when we use that term shadow spouse. It was literally this season in our marriage where I had literally omitted myself. I forgot the purpose that I was in this marriage. Like the Bible says, um, a three stranded cord cannot be easily broken, and there has to be a woman in the brand in the braid, or else it can be broke. It's not. God didn't design it for a marriage to be a husband and God right.
Speaker 2:Like it's literally the three of us.
Speaker 2:And so if I don't stand in that space and take up my purpose and my giftings and what I was talking about earlier of what I know God's placed inside of me, then I'm not being the fullness of what God's called me to do.
Speaker 2:That's why that book changed me so much. I'm about to get emotional, like to remind myself of what my purpose is in this marriage, because being married to you, I'll just be really honest, like your purpose is so easily seen. People see on you all the time and so I think I found it really easy to hide behind that. You're Pierre, you have all these giftings of talent and music and it was really easy for you to just do that and I'll be behind you. And when we talk about those times that we went through therapy and we had to dig so deep, part of that was realizing that I had become that shadow and I had omitted who I was, and then realizing that I do belong beside you and that God did put purpose inside of me and I do know certain decisions, like for me, I feel like a lot of my strengths sometimes are decisions with the kids, like when we decided to switch schools for Jordan.
Speaker 2:I felt that from God so strongly I was like babe, we have to make a switch, and it wasn't on you to figure it out. You were working, but it was me that did all the research of the schools and found out okay, we're going to go visit this one. Okay, we're going to go to this one. Okay, we've got to apply for financial aid, because private school in California is crazy, y'all. Um, but those were things that I knew, like the Lord had gifted me to make that decision for Jordan. Other times, like when our kids were sick and your culture a lot of times it tends to think like oh, that'd be fine. Right.
Speaker 2:Oh, that'd be fine. But I knew there were times where I was like no, I need to take Brooklyn to the hospital. She was a baby and she almost nearly got admitted because her breathing was so badly. Just knowing when those decisions like trusting my mom gut sometimes when you don't know the decision and knowing like, okay, I have to stand on what I know right now and this is my decision, and I know every time I've made those, you've supported me in that yeah, yeah, well, and I'll say this too, as your husband.
Speaker 2:It wasn't easy because, by nature, this world that we live in especially being in ministry, we can easily become self-centered, controlling narcissists.
Speaker 1:You mean like leaders, men, guys in my role, in my position. Yeah, to where some of us thrive over our wives being in the shadow position because it makes us feel bigger and so to me it's. That's not biblical and that's not how God designed us to operate as a husband, like you know what I mean. Yeah, and so in that year where we were going through therapy and you felt like you turned into a shadow spouse, like I wasn't about to lose my wife, I had to fight for you.
Speaker 1:I was the one that was like no, I need you out of my shadows, because God has called you to do something. He's given you gifts. You have your ability, you have your voice, you have your calling. I'm not about to lose my wife.
Speaker 2:And I remember you saying those things to me straight up. It was literally like the scene from the notebook, where he's like Allie, what do you want?
Speaker 1:No, straight up because shame, shame on those husbands who has allowed their wives to live in a shadow. That's not how God designed it to be. God did not design it for a wife to be behind the man, above the man or under the man alongside him. So I knew, 100% without a doubt, that I would not be able to fulfill what God has put in my life if my wife was not by my side. I did not need you behind me, because that's not how it was designed to be. So in that season I had to go and pull my wife. We were going through seasons and I was not about to lose my wife. You was not. You was not about to become salty.
Speaker 1:I know we talked about lots of wives in the Bible right About a wife that just kept on holding on to the past and a guy. The man just allowed her to do that and she became salty. I know you talked about digging deeper into that in this conversation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when we were talking about it last week I had never really thought about it, but when we were reading the story it never mentions Lot's wife before that point. And when they're leaving they say she looks back, she turns into a pillar of salt.
Speaker 1:Yeah, do you know where this is? Just we can just reference. I just like this stuff. We were, we referenced right when we were referencing stuff off of Pinterest and TikTok random stuff like that Pinterest and. Tiktok All right, so it's in. Genesis, right, I think it somewhere in 14. You can keep talking and I'm going to go ahead and find it.
Speaker 2:So what I was saying was I did look up. Actually, maybe I have it right now in my notes here Genesis 18.
Speaker 1:Okay, genesis 18.
Speaker 2:Genesis 18.
Speaker 1:Tell them the story like really quick Summarize it.
Speaker 2:So, summary, they are living in saddam and gomorrah, this evil, evil town, and god calls lot to take up his family and leave, and god tells them to not look back. But the thing that I was really looking into was what was saddam and gomorrah known for? And they were actually known for sinfulness. They were known for a place of great wickedness. The inhabitants were known for their immoral behavior, including sexual immorality and lack of hospitality. And so when I was thinking about, like girl, what are you looking back for? Like I genuinely was imagining and obviously this is just speculation, we have nothing to go on but it's like did you have a boyfriend back there? Did you have a girlfriend back there? Did you have, you know?
Speaker 2:I think, a lot of times, sodom and Gomorrah I may be wrong about the drunkenness, but a lot of times when a city was known for wickedness in the Bible, drunkenness was a big part of it. But anyways, speculating completely. But what was the last wife looking back for? And I really know that we talked about last in this conversation of how the husband was responsible for making sure that his wife was where she needed to be. But as a wife, I want to be able to stand 10 toes down and know that it is not me looking back for my family and that it is not me holding us back, but that I am ready to go wherever God's called us to go.
Speaker 2:And I mean we've proven that the last 15 years God's called us a lot of times and we've packed up and left. Maybe sometimes I did cry and I maybe looked back, but knowing that, like my, my response to what God tells you for our family can make a huge difference and it can be life or death.
Speaker 1:So when we talked last week in Ephesians right and where we were Ephesians four or five and it said for wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord, for a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the savior of his body. The church as the church submits to christ, so you wives should submit to your husband and everything how does that make you feel like me reading that?
Speaker 2:yeah, um yeah, sorry, I'm just looking over my notes. And just I, that was Ephesians 5, you said Ephesians 5 chapter, yeah, or verse 22.
Speaker 1:It says wives, submit, submit to your husband as to the Lord. Yeah, as to the Lord. It says that husbands is the head of his wife, as Christ is the head of the church. So what? How's that make you feel?
Speaker 2:Yeah, like I've been even implying that or implementing that in some of our stuff, in its little things. Literally, you eating all my desserts, all my desserts.
Speaker 1:You got to submit them.
Speaker 2:But I'm like every time I'm like I share everything, I give everything to you, I serve everything to you, like I'm serving you. There was something the other day of you didn't want to get up to make yourself something because there was no clean bowls. I think, guys, I'm not good at dishes either. We talked about this, so, um, there was no clean bowls and I got up and I cleaned the bowl for you and I made some food for you and that to me, was like, okay, danny Lee, like you just served your husband in the way that God's called you, did I want to get up for you? No, was I mad? You're being lazy?
Speaker 2:Yes, but it is my job to serve you and I find it easy to do that because you serve us so much, because you serve our family so much. I see you taking care of the cars, I see you taking care of the trash. I see you working so hard. I see you just doing so much, making sure to serve the kids and take time to spend time with them and me, like. So when it is both of us serving each other, it makes it really easy to do that.
Speaker 1:Right, right, yeah, that's big. I mean the examples you just gave, right now I feel like you know, I'll be honest like they're kind of small and petty, because it's like, yeah, I didn't want to make a bowl of cereal. I'm like, OK, the Lord didn't want a bowl of cereal.
Speaker 2:But I'm saying like, OK, I guess what I'm saying is like I was just trying to put it in practical terms of what it looks like day to day to serve my husband.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which which makes sense for you and it wasn't a bowl of cereal.
Speaker 2:I made straight chili that night, oh my bad.
Speaker 1:It was real food I cooked but there was no clean bowls. I was just like, okay, where are the utensils? At All? Right, but I guess, like what I'm saying is I guess because we don't have a bigger problem, like when it comes to submitting pride, submitting envy, right, submitting accomplishments, accolades, submitting goals, submitting dreams. I'm not talking about submitting and like go wipe the toilet seat or put the toilet lid down. So I'm trying, I guess I'm trying to push you to really think really deep what that looks like. But it would make sense because right now we've learned, you've learned how to fully submit.
Speaker 2:Well, and that's what I was saying at the beginning, I'm a natural easy person to submit. I picked a husband that I fall under very easily and I trust you to make big decisions. There we go, but there are some women and I know some women that are listening that that's not their situation and that's what I was going to ask you.
Speaker 1:What would you say to the wife, or to the fiance, or to the girlfriend that's scared to get married, or to the woman that's been divorced that's afraid to get married again? Ephesians, chapter 5, where it says A wife to submit to his husband ask to the Lord. The husband is the head of his wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the savior of the body. The church, as the church, submits to Christ, so you wife should submit to your husband in everything, in everything. What does that submission look like, as the church, as the body for us believers? Right, we gave up our will to God. Right, there's time that we submit our desires, our passions, our goals. I was preaching at youth camp a couple of weeks ago and there was a young man. I pointed him out. I said hey, bro, stand up. And I looked at him. I said hey, bro, what's your thing, what are you passionate about, what are you good at? And he said football. I said okay, you want to become pro. He's like, yeah. I said you're pretty good. Huh, he's like, yeah, I'm pretty good. I was like you want to be pro. And I said who do you want to be pro, for what are you going to use that platform for? And the young kid right, man in training, right, he looked at me and he was like, honestly, it's just all for me, it's for myself. And I looked at him. I said, hey, you need to stop lying to God and stop trying to make God think that if you become famous or if you get pro, if you go to NFL, you get drafted, things like that, that you're going to give it to God. I said give it to him now, submit all of it to him and let him decide, let him pull you in.
Speaker 1:So when you married me, you submitted some of your goals, some of your passions, to our marriage. For me, as your husband, I died for you, like for me. I was like, I'll do anything. Babe, let's talk about your goal. Let's talk about your dream. You're my partner in life. Let's talk about what that will look like for you, so you don't live in a shadow as I become number one, right? So that was always my goal. So what would you say to the woman, to the girl, the young adult, the girl that's in her teens, girl that's in her 20s, girl that's in her 40s or 50s looking at marriage or been married and you haven't given it up Right and you're a believer, you're a follower of Christ and you know what it means like to follow Christ and submit to him, but you haven't submitted to your husband and your pride and your passion and your goals and your dreams.
Speaker 2:What would you say to them? So, for the woman who's thinking or looking, I would say that if you're not married yet and you're looking for that person, that to make sure they line up with you. Know the Bible says to not be unequally yoked and I don't have the mark of that scripture, but in the Bible does say to not be unequally yoked and so if submission doesn't come easily to the person you're dating, you may not have the right one, like you may not have the person that you are called to come under If it doesn't come easy, if you don't trust them. Like I always said to you, I trust you with my life. That's why I married you. So I do think it's a character part of me, but it's also who you are and what you carried and your relationship with the Lord.
Speaker 2:For the ones that are already married and may not the maybe their husband's not walking with the Lord or maybe they've gone through a divorce or separation, at this point, like I had this scripture and it is in 1 Peter 3.1, in the same way you, wives, must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the good news, your godly lives will speak to them without any words, they will be won over. And I really loved that of like man. If you are in that situation, you do have a marriage that is struggling. You are married to a man that is hard to follow, or maybe he's not even under his covering of the Lord. Knowing that your actions, I want to read that verse again, that scripture. It says your godly lives will speak to them without any words, they will be won over. And again, that's 1 Peter 3, 1. And that was just so powerful to me of like man.
Speaker 2:Wives, you have so much power in what God has given into us and what we've been called to, what our purpose is to receive that love, to become an inhabitator, to produce things, to produce a home, to produce the love to incorporate all of those things. It is such a gift. Produce the love to incorporate all of those things. It is such a gift. And if we tap into our purpose and if we submit to our husbands, there are so many things that open up to us after that, when, when you are submitted and you are right, in line with where God's called us to be. There is provision, there is protection. There are so many things that the Bible says that are to us because of our obedience.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, yeah, Ladies, listen, you and your descendants would be blessed when you get in alignment with what God has for you, Right? We talk about I tell this to people all the time there's only two positions that you can have in life. There's in line or out of line, right, and we see that anytime in the Bible, anytime was out of line, they were out of line, god dealt with them. God dealt with them. And so I'm telling you right now, ladies, if you're in a place where you're just like you know what and you said earlier, babe, I and I I might argue that, like where you said, like if submission isn't easy for you, then you might be with the wrong person. I think for some people submission will be hard, but you're supposed to do it right.
Speaker 1:Let's say, a woman's an alpha and a guy's a beta type right, I could see that and there's some women that, just like they're used to being in control, they're used to being, and you know what the Lord is telling you to submit to your husband, and I'm telling you, like the blessings, like you said dying to yourself. It's giving it up, right. It's for us as believers, right.
Speaker 2:There's people that had a hard time putting something in God's hand. Yeah, and in the same way, I would challenge women who find it easy like me, you find it easy to submit to your husband. I challenge you of hey, do a heart check and make sure that you are present enough in your marriage and that you haven't fallen into a shadow space. Make sure that you are being a part of that three-corded strand and making sure that you are activating all the gifts that God's put inside of you and using that to make your marriage the strongest that it can be.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got one last scripture I kind of want to read.
Speaker 2:Wait, I have one more.
Speaker 1:Oh okay, go ahead, I'll go last. This is going to be oh okay, go ahead, I'll go last, you go last. I think this might be part three. Is it Four, five and six?
Speaker 2:There's a lot to talk about. Okay, wait, I don't know Where's your scripture at.
Speaker 1:First Corinthians.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm going to go. I'm going to go first.
Speaker 1:All right, go ahead.
Speaker 2:I want to leave the scripture of Proverbs 12, four. And that is, a wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. And I just was really thinking about how much that support, that rib, is inside of you. It is support into your waist and like man, but if I am disgraceful, if I'm dishonoring, I will literally rot you from the inside out. That's wild to think about.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I don't want to be that one. So, I don't want to be that disgraceful wife.
Speaker 1:Well, you had me waiting for five days the other day.
Speaker 2:Pierre Aristille.
Speaker 1:So I was about to rock Spoiled. I was like Lord, make this passion inside my body go away, pierre, I cannot.
Speaker 2:I'm going to walk off set right now, which is my living room. I'm going to walk out the front door. You're going to walk off.
Speaker 1:Set, bro, we at home right now. Girl, what are you talking about?
Speaker 2:All right, I'm going to go to the kitchen.
Speaker 1:What do you have to say for this? All right.
Speaker 2:Wait, is that how the scripture starts?
Speaker 1:Okay, no, that's. You're like what do you got to say about this? What this is Paul talking in 1 Corinthians, chapter 7. He says now, regarding the question, oh lord, regarding the questions you asked in your letter, I don't like your tone right now. Yes, it is good to live a celibate life, but because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife. I agree with all that. Yes, and each woman should have his own wife. I agree with all that, yes, and each woman should have his own husband. Mm-hmm, yup, not not we, we, we, we, we're good, there, we're in agreement there.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's the word of God Check check. The husband should fulfill his wife's sexual needs and the wife should fulfill her husband's sexual needs. Oh Lord. The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife. Do not deprive each other of sexual relations unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. All right, afterwards you should come together, all right, so we're gonna pause there okay I, I.
Speaker 1:I think it is a conversation for us to have okay part three, four or five okay of sex, god's way okay I'm fair and what does this mean for a woman to give herself to her husband and husband to give himself to a wife?
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And that we do not have authority over our body. We should give authority to our spouse and what that looks like, because we've heard about so many times where sex is abused in a marriage True, where a guy feels like, hey, I got authority, you're my wife, or some guys, guys, they'll threaten their wives with infidelity. They're threatening their wives, or we've seen wives dangling sex like a carrot in front of their husbands.
Speaker 2:Right, right For control, manipulation.
Speaker 1:All that Right, and so we've seen it. I was reading a book the other day by Robert Green and he was talking about you know, the art of seduction, and how many, many years ago, hundreds of years ago, when women had no authority, they figured out how to get authority over men, and they would use seduction, they would use sex as a power so there's power in sex Right. I think we need to talk about this in our next conversation.
Speaker 2:I'm cool with that being part three.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm with it. You made me very nervous.
Speaker 1:I was like why is he going here? Relax, I just like the dramatizations.
Speaker 2:You did well. You were very dramatic.
Speaker 1:If you guys are liking these conversations you guys already know, hit that like button. If you're listening to this in your car, in the gym, I'm glad we get to be in your ear in the gym. That's fun. Send us a review, send us a little message. You guys know all the links are there. They're available. Hit us up on TikTok, instagram, send us an email. Matter of fact, if you're listening to this and you got a podcast and you want us to jump in, hit us up. We'll join you, we'll collab on your podcast. We like talking deeper, we like really pulling out anything that's in our life that doesn't bring fruit. Let's pull it out. And so God has called us to do this, to walk together, to get stronger, to get better, and we want to help you guys, too, in the whole thing. So send us any messages, any questions that you guys may have, and let's keep digging. That's all I got to say.
Speaker 2:Let's keep digging. Wives, you got a heavy load, just as our husbands do. We carry the same weight, but different places in our marriage and our life. And so I just want to encourage all the wives out there, and even the single women like hey prepare yourself for when you make that decision. Make sure you're being the best that you can be. Do the things that you have time to do right now. Do them. Go to the gym, take care of yourself. Heal, lord, please heal from all your past relationships before you jump into the next one.
Speaker 2:But wives, wives, wives. We have such an honor and such a calling on our lives and we can literally make them rot from the inside out, or we can support them and be the crown and that they flourish because of our support and because of our love. And so I just want to encourage y'all if you have questions, if you don't know what your giftings are like, dig for those. That's why this is called let's Dig. The Podcast is because we want you to dig into those things so that you know them for yourself. Some of those things, nobody else can tell them to you for you. You got to find them out yourselves. So that's.