LET'S DIG | Pierre & Danilee Aristil
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- Matthew 22:37-39
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LET'S DIG | Pierre & Danilee Aristil
Embracing the Biblical Blueprint: The Husband's Role in Marriage | "What God Told Me About Me About Being A Husband"
What if the key to a thriving marriage lies in the Bible? Join us on Let's Dig as we embark on an illuminating journey through the biblical role of a husband. Inspired by Paul's teachings in Ephesians and personal insights from officiating weddings, this episode explores God's blueprint for husbands. Whether you're married or single, this series offers profound insights into understanding and fulfilling your role in a marriage as designed by divine guidance.
In this episode, we unpack the husband’s role as a spiritual leader, drawing lessons from the lives of Abraham and Lot. Discover how their stories emphasize the importance of spiritual alignment and shared focus within a marriage. Reflecting on our own experiences, including a transformative move to California for a church, we discuss the necessity for husbands to be aligned with God’s will and to foster unity and mutual support with their wives in their spiritual journey.
We also delve into the essence of emulating God's love in marriage, highlighting the profound connection between a man’s relationship with God and his relationship with his wife. Through the lens of key biblical teachings like Ephesians and 1 Corinthians 13, we explore the virtues of love, respect, and mutual support. Join us as we share personal stories and biblical insights aimed at strengthening marriages and aligning them with God’s design. Don't miss the engaging discussions and practical guidance that can transform your marital relationship.
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What's up y'all? Welcome to the let's Dig podcast. Thank you for tuning in. This is going to be an incredible episode. I'm really, really excited about this one. We've been having some conversations between me and Pierre and some other couples around us, and so we decided we're going to start a series today, y'all. Yeah, we're going to start a series.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which is not what the plan was for today. It was not. You just hit me with it literally an hour ago. I sure did that thing that you were talking about. It was mind blowing, kind of like a new thought We've never heard. I've never heard you say it before. Yep, let's talk about it.
Speaker 1:I'm like we need to make it a series. So that's what we're doing today. We're making it a series which is is the role of a husband. God has really been giving Pierce some like crazy revelation. Honestly, I've never heard this stuff before, and so I just told him today like, literally, I was getting my makeup done, or I was doing my makeup, not getting it done.
Speaker 1:I was doing my makeup, I was doing my hair and I was like, babe, I really think people need to hear this. And so we decided to make a series today. So today is about husbands, but ladies, don't click off. You got to listen to this one too. And then next week we're going to dig into what it means to be a wife and what that looks like, and not a trad wife and y'all know what I'm talking about here. It doesn't, but y'all do so it's okay.
Speaker 1:Um. So, if you have been loving our podcast, if you even loved last week's conversation with our family it was such a good combo. Today I am repping Adorned by Him, isaiah 61.10. It's a clothing line, all built into that scripture, and so there's a link in our buy on the episode for the last one, so you can go check that out. It's our sister, pierre's sister's line.
Speaker 2:She's my sister too. I just call her my sister. Yeah, we'll drop the link. Where do they point on YouTube Down Up? They'll point up over here, in this corner, over here. Yeah, I think. So We'll drop the link so you can go check out the merch.
Speaker 1:It's super dope and I love a good clothing line that is based in scripture, so I've been loving my shirt, so I wore it today to rep her. So, anyways, if y'all have been loving this podcast and it is bringing value to you, please like it, smash that, like, subscribe, comment. All of those options are free and we would love you for it yes and then send it to someone that it will bless, because we want to be a blessing to others as well. So all that's out of the way. Y'all are ready, let's dig.
Speaker 2:Let's dig, okay. So you said something earlier is like ladies don't click. Well, I don't think one topic is for guys and one topic is for women, like it's for everybody. I think our lives can be so much better when we can understand the people that we're in relationships with and their responsibilities, Right?
Speaker 1:For sure. That's why I was encouraging them to stay Cause once they hear like oh, this is all about husband, I don't have one Bye, and I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, stay here, listen to this one too.
Speaker 2:And here's why, for women that are married and women that aren't married, why you should listen to it, because you need to understand what's the standard, how God has designed a man to be a husband in a marriage.
Speaker 2:And so today's conversation we're going to be talking about, which you guys might hear some stuff that I did not prepare. It wasn't. It's just going to be free flow, because Dan Lee was just like, just talk about it, but it's in my heart. So what's in my heart? You guys going to experience it right now. It's just going to come up, but just so you guys know, as we talk about, ok, what's the role of a husband? God's way, god's way.
Speaker 2:I was reading in Ephesians and before I jump into it, ephesians, right, you know this is the apostle of Christ. His name is Paul For those of you that don't know, read your Bibles, right? And he's sent by God and he's sending a message out to church people. He's sending a message out to Christ followers, and I love how he starts it out in Ephesians 1. And he says I'm writing this to God's holy people, right, who are faithful followers of Christ. So, before I jump into, okay, what's the role of a husband? How does God see a husband? This message right here are for those that are faithfully following Christ, those that desire to do life the way Christ has designed it to be done. So, if you are not a believer, I want to take a moment and encourage you right now. Like it's simple, you just pray and ask God to come into your heart and say that you believe that Christ died for us and that he rose for us, and that everything that we need we find in him. But this, right here, this is how God has designed the man to be in a marriage, in a marriage. And so I believe that so many people have gotten married and they never even understood what it, what it even means to fulfill the role of a husband or a wife.
Speaker 2:And so I was running over to chapter four, right, and I was officiating a wedding what? Several months ago? And I was like, okay, what am I going to tell this couple right here? And I realized, you know, I'm going to tell them. Okay, here's the role of a husband, here's a role of a wife. So I'm going to go over to chapter five, chapter five in Ephesians and Paul writes he says okay, submit to one another. He's talking to wives and he's talking to husband. He says okay, submit to one another. He's talking to wives and he's talking to husbands. He says submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. This is the New Living Translation. So, out of reverence for Christ, and to me, just that right there, enough is enough to even just chew on Just the thought of us submitting to each other, us giving up our wills to each other, right Us giving up our wills to each other, our personal desires, just because we respect and fear and respect, uh, reverence God.
Speaker 1:And let me say this really quick too, because for people who are following along, you just said like five words and stopped already. And sometimes reading the Bible can be very intimidating for people. They don't know where to start, they don't know how to. But you have really taught me how to read the Bible and like slow down. I am a very fast reader. I read it so fast. So when you stopped after five words I was like he stopped already. But genuinely it is the best way to really not just read your Bible, but read your Bible.
Speaker 2:That's what they say Like don't just read your Bible, read your Bible. Our pastor says that all the time.
Speaker 1:Comprehend it like chew on it, and so you're really good of like reading that first statement and then it's called Selah. It means take a pause and think, and so you really think about those things and chew on that, and what does that mean to you? So I just want for the listeners to know maybe they don't have a lot of experience or they don't know how to really read the Bible and get anything out of it. You can read it and not get anything out of it because you just read so fast or maybe you don't understand. But just as I noticed you do that already. I just wanted to give that little nugget to people who want to read their Bible and get more out of it and sometimes it feels over intimidating or they don't even know where to start. That's how you start you read one sentence and think about it. Let the Lord speak to you.
Speaker 1:Try to figure out what that means for you and how to apply it in your life.
Speaker 2:So that was just a free nugget For me, like when I read the Bible, I'm not reading anything like, okay, I'm going to read two chapters today. I'm going to read one chapter today. I'm going to read four chapters today. For me it has nothing to do with, like, you'll most likely read 10 times faster than me and finish through a whole book than me, but you may have gotten nothing out of it. It's true, it's very possible.
Speaker 2:So for me, I'm going to read to get something out of it. So right there where I'm reading, it says husbands, or it says wives, right.
Speaker 1:What scripture are you at.
Speaker 2:So this is.
Speaker 1:Ephesians, chapter five, starting in verse 21. Bro, I'm trying to follow along on my phone and I'm like. I'm in Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 1. I'm not hiding it.
Speaker 2:I feel like you're hiding your phone. No, I wasn't.
Speaker 1:But I was in Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 1, and I'm like and I had the same translation, I'm like that's not what I'm reading. Okay, so verse, what 25?
Speaker 2:So, 21., 21.
Speaker 1:Alright, y'all. So. Ephesians 5, verse 21, new Living Translation. If you want to follow along, it is in your Bible app, so you can switch it to that. So we're talking.
Speaker 2:So this is Paul talking to Christian husbands and wives, saying submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. To me like that's big right there. And then he goes on. He talks about for wives. We're going to skip the wives part real quick. We're going to skip the wives part because we think, okay, well, no, no, the reason why which we should have done this series the other way around.
Speaker 2:We should have talked about wives, because I actually put more pressure on men, those that are husband. So it's like you say the best for last, but the best for last, actually the most is required out of that person. So, as husbands, we're covers, we're head of the household, right. And so I'm going to jump down to verse 25. And he says for husbands, this means love your wives just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and make her clean. You know what I mean. And I started thinking just yesterday. Literally yesterday was the first time I got the thought of okay, christ didn't have a wife here on this earth, he never got married. So I wonder, like, how come Paul didn't refer back to any of the husbands in the Bible? Why didn't he use Adam as an example. Why didn't he use Abraham as an example? So crazy. Why didn't he use Adam as an example? Why didn't?
Speaker 1:he use Abraham as an example. So crazy. Why didn't he?
Speaker 2:use Moses, noah, think about it. Paul talks about these guys. They all had wives, and every single one of them right. He's used them before as examples. When he was talking about faith, he was talking about Abraham.
Speaker 1:What is it? Fathers of the faith is what we call them.
Speaker 2:When he was talking about Noah. Right, he talked about Noah and what happened? Jesus referred to Noah, we talked about Moses and all this stuff, but you know what I realized? I'm like man. That's interesting, like how Paul decides to use Jesus, who wasn't physically married on this earth wasn't physically married on this earth.
Speaker 2:Because I realized this no man before christ was able to fulfill the role of a husband. So, true, adam failed as a husband. Some people say, well, did he cheat? No, he was the only man, he was just him, and him and eve did he cheat? Unless he was role playing. What role playing? And just imagine her to be somebody which we're not going there, okay, skip adam. Okay, adam failed as a husband right, you know what.
Speaker 1:I'm surprised, though why wouldn't he have used joseph?
Speaker 2:you mean joseph, like jesus's mom or Jesus's dad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Jesus's dad. That's what our son said one time.
Speaker 2:I don't know, but what I'm saying is like for Paul to talk about here and say, like husbands, here's how I'm gonna tell you how to take care of your wives, how to love your wives. Love your wives just like Jesus loved the church.
Speaker 1:It's the best. It's the most perfect, flawless example. That's why it's because there was no flaw in how Christ loved the church.
Speaker 2:Well, and if I look at guys like, okay, adam and Eve, right, I don't know Adam, right. But when I read through Genesis and understand what happened, right, we all say, well, Eve was the one that ate, Eve was the one that ate the fruit. But when you read back through Genesis, god had a conversation with Adam in regards to the fruit.
Speaker 1:He sure did call out Adam and not Eve. Yeah, why.
Speaker 2:Because Adam was the one that was designated and appointed to be the head and the covering and he failed, and he failed as a husband.
Speaker 1:Yay.
Speaker 2:Right, you go further down the road and you look at Abraham. Right, abraham was one. We consider him the father of the faith. Like. You know what I mean, father.
Speaker 1:Abraham, I knew you were going to do that. I was.
Speaker 2:I was ready for it. So here we have Abraham who failed as a husband. Some people say, well, how do you mean he failed as a husband? Because we hear, we see the story in Genesis when there were two men of God that was passing by, passing through the town, and Abraham recognized them, knew that they were men of God, knew that they were angels, he decided to serve them. And while he's serving these two men of God sent by God angels, these guys decide to minister to Abraham and say, hey, this time next year your wife's going to be pregnant, and these and abraham's like yo, how'd you guys even know that I wanted a son?
Speaker 2:right because god always promised abraham. I'm gonna give you a son.
Speaker 2:He used these two men to say you're gonna be a father next year, right, you'll have sarah's in the other room, which is abraham's wife, and laughs at them about it. So to me, I think, if that was me as a husband, I failed. That my wife, her faith, was not at the same level as me. For me, as the head of the household, it's my job to take. We've become one, and so if you don't have the same perspective as me when it comes to the faith and what we're believing for, and you're laughing at God's word, to me I think, as your head, as you're covering, I failed. So he's not an example as a husband. Right, here we see Paul doesn't even use him as example. Yep. Right, we see further down the road, like you know a lot right in the Bible, Lord, you know the story, yep.
Speaker 1:Tell us the story so I can take a break from talking. So they're in Sodom and Gomorrah and it is a sinful city. These people are living their lives in lust and sinfulness. They're serving themselves and not others. And God told them to leave and do not look back. Yeah, and they left the city, but his wife and she doesn't have a name, she's just Lot's wife she looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt and I mean we'll dig into it a little bit deeper. The Bible doesn't give us a lot of information, but I have questions to that of what was she looking back for?
Speaker 2:Yeah, and for you as a wife, that's what you're thinking about. For me, as a husband, I think man Lot. Why was your wife not focused on what's ahead? Why was your wife not alongside you moving forward?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Why was your wife still looking back?
Speaker 1:And we've talked about how, in our relationship, in our experience, god has called us to step out a lot of times where we didn't have what the next step was. We didn't know where the next place was or where the next job was. But because spiritually we're on the same level and because I knew what it was to pick a husband, and when I picked a husband, I picked a man that I knew could hear from God. Period point blank, like that was a non-negotiable, because I wasn't willing to put my life in anyone's hands that couldn could hear from God. Period point blank, like that was a non-negotiable, because I wasn't willing to put my life in anyone's hands that couldn't hear from God. And so, as our journey has gone of move here, move there, god said go, and we don't know where we're going. It was always and my response was always like okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you remember that time where we moved to California never been to California until we moved there and what moved us here was a church opportunity to help develop a church team. Right, there was a church that was. You know, their team needed a lot of help and we came to visit it and I saw, like man, they need help here, let's do it. We come to California, we jump in, we help them and about 11 months in, I start feeling like this, like discomfort. I start feeling like this uneasiness of just like man, I feel like there's a shift happening. I share it with you right away. Cause for me as your head, for me as you're covering, for me as your husband, this is again, guys, this is, this is how God designed a husband to be. So for me, as your head and you're covering, right, if you're, if we're one and our body is one, it's my job as your head to say, hey, here's what I'm feeling, here's what I'm thinking, here's what's on my together. So I shared with you right away, man, I'm starting to feel uneasy, I feel like there's a shift happening. You asked me questions like what do you mean? I said I don't know, but like there's a lot of stirring happening. There's a lot of weird stuff happening there at the church, like there's tension, leadership is acting weird, like all this stuff.
Speaker 2:I'm like, so I started praying, started fasting, started really seeking God to get closer to God, right, because at the end of the day, like you know, when Paul says right here, husbands, here's how you love your wife, it's the way Christ did. So, christ, we commune with him, we sit with him, right, he talks with us. Right, he shares with us, like there's things that he puts in our heart. So for me, I'm like that's the example for me as a husband, right. So I'm like I'm going to do that for my wife. And so I didn't realize that's what I was doing even then, and so recently I got the revelation of just like, oh snap, that's the blueprint of a husband is how Jesus takes care of his people in his church, and so I was always telling you, telling you, okay, here's what I'm feeling, here's what I'm feeling, here's what I'm seeing. Then, the week where I'm just like man, I'm going to call a meeting with that leader.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:My pastor that time. So this was what 2018. So I'm like I'm going to call a meeting with him because something's off I'm feeling, and I remember you saying like what do you feel? I was like. I just feel a disconnect. I feel like there's a detachment, there's weird stuff. I'll call a meeting and I won't share all the details because I know there's some people that listen to that. That is still part of that church there. I don't, I don't keep up. I don't know really how that church is even doing. So I have no thoughts on on what's happening right now with them.
Speaker 2:But I just knew in that season, like my time was coming to an end and I didn't know what it was. I'm sharing with you every single step of the way, what I'm feeling, what God is telling. I remember God telling me stand strong, yep. Keep your peace, yep. I do remember that. Like, keep your peace, not even make peace, yeah, keep your peace, right. And we know that Jesus tells his children to be peacemakers. Blessed are the peacemakers, aka children of God, right? And so he said keep the peace, stay calm and stand strong. Yeah, I shared that with you.
Speaker 2:I call a meeting with the pastor, I sit down and he basically tells me like, hey, you're feeling this detachment. It's been a year, you're not really connected and we need someone to feel like they're going to be really connected long-term. So, since you're feeling this, you're probably not going to feel it. I remember saying that. So let's talk about a transition. That broke me. I was really just frustrated, but I remember God telling me stand strong, keep your peace, stay calm. Okay, all right. The moment I got out of that meeting, I get on the phone with you and I call you. I tell you everything that happened. Again, as your head, as you're covering, it's my job to keep you in sync with what's happening, absolutely. I remember praying on a drive back home. We prayed about it that day.
Speaker 2:The very next day, my supervisor calls me. He's like yo, what's going on? What are you going to do? And I'm like I don't know, I didn't plan on doing anything. Well, they're like well, they need to make a decision. Like, maybe we'll transition into a consultant or something like that. I'm like I heard guys that keep the peace. I said what are you guys think? They said well, you know what, let's have you transition off the team. Okay, let's do that.
Speaker 2:The very next day I write my resignation letter. And the day after that, literally from Sunday, sat down with him. Wednesday I'm turning in the resignation letter. You were along me the whole entire time. The day I knew that I was typing it up. You knew it, you saw it, I called you. That day, shot you a text, told you that day I resigned. That day you weren't a wife that was caught off guard. Nope, you weren't a wife that was going behind my back making other plans. You weren't a wife that was looking back like like lots of wife, turning salty right. You weren't that type of wife because I kept you alongside me the whole entire time.
Speaker 1:Even the time we were serving at a church in Florida and you literally heard God say your time's almost done and we literally you put in your notice before we even knew where we're going next.
Speaker 2:And.
Speaker 1:I was like, okay, like if God said, go, we're going. Where are we going? We don't know yet, we'll find out when we get there. That eventually turned into California. But just knowing, because you communicate to me when God speaks to you and because then those things are solidified when I'm praying, when I'm trusting the Lord, when I know how he's speaking and how he's moving, and when I know that we are in these seasons of transition, of like hold on, things are about to shift or hold on, things are moving around, I can have the peace of God and then trust what he's saying. So when those things come up, you're like this is going to be a wild one, but here we go.
Speaker 2:Here we go. Remember that one time we, like we had a condo in West Palm Beach, florida. We loved it. It was a really dope spot, really good area, no-transcript, and it was like, oh boy, here we grow again.
Speaker 1:That was actually when we started talking about baby number two, yeah, and then we knew we had to pause everything. Don't get pregnant, don't re-sign your lease. Something is shaking, like you could literally feel like something was moving underground, and here's a wild thing. Don't make moves.
Speaker 2:There are times like that. I didn't know what was next Like as your husband. I didn't know. I just knew God put something in my heart because I'm sitting with Christ, I'm sitting with the Lord. Holy Spirit is putting thoughts in my mind and I knew that there's a shift happening and I didn't know how to communicate that with you.
Speaker 1:I was going to say that was going to be my next question as a husband. Is that scary for you to share with your wife of? Like, hey, this is what God said, but I don't know what that means or what it looks like. Like, is that hard for husbands to share that the unknown factor with your wife?
Speaker 2:A husband that is completely tight with Christ, close with him, and understands how it feels to be a bride. I know what it feels to be a bride because I'm married to the mission of God. Like you know what I mean, right? So, as one that knows how to sit in that seat, I know Christ has always told me, god has always told me I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. And one of the things that you see all throughout the Bible every time, like Jesus showed up, he would say do not be afraid. He'd say don't fear, do not worry, do not be afraid. He'd say don't fear, do not worry, don't be afraid. So that has literally been ingrained in me, that has been induced in my heart by God Don't be afraid. And so, because of that, I'm never afraid. So, with that being said, there's times where God tells us to step out of the boat. God tells us to drop everything, stop everything, sell everything. Don't be afraid, I'll be with you. Just today I was reading in Joshua Deuteronomy. That's what God was saying to him. Just know that I'll be with you. Matter of fact, I will personally go ahead of you there, don't fear. So with that, that's how I lead you as your husband.
Speaker 2:There's sometimes I don't know what's next Like I don't, I don't know. Okay, we can't sign that lease, or we can't renew that contract, or you know what. I feel like we have to pack up everything. I think we need to sell everything. I think we need to move. I think we need to, and I don't know what's happening. All I know is to communicate with you what has been put in me, and I think some husbands want to do the whole thing of just like, like they don't, they're not close with the Lord, they're not really led by the Lord and, again, that's why I said this conversation is for those that are led by God, but those that aren't get frustrated why a wife is not trusting him, or why a wife is doubtful, or why while wife has a backup plan, or while wife has a secret stash the only.
Speaker 1:The more secure you are in in your relationship with god is the more secure I can be in you making decisions for my family and there you go.
Speaker 1:That's the period write it down, run it back, like the more secure you are in hearing from God, the more secure I am in what we're doing as a family and the decisions that we make. But if you don't know what's happening and you don't know how to hear from the Lord, that's those women that they actually are almost spiritually leading their families and they have to make decisions. They have to hear from the Lord because their husband is stepping up to that plate. But I really want to, like make sure we really drive this point home, because this is what I thought was so powerful.
Speaker 1:Is that the example between you communing with God and you having a conversation with God and how you and his relationship is of how does Christ love the church?
Speaker 1:How does Christ love you?
Speaker 1:He forgives you, he holds no count of wrongs, he has compassion, he died for you, he sacrificed for you, he paid a price when he didn't have the payment or he didn't have to make the payment.
Speaker 1:All of those attributes literally mirror how you love your wife and how God has called men to love their wives, and I just want to make sure that, like as we're talking about it, that that correlation is so clear of men, however you have that relationship with God and how you've experienced the love of God and the forgiveness and the mercy and the long suffering, all of those attributes, anything that you've experienced in walking and talking with the Lord, even how you said we were talking about the other day, of how, when you first wake up in the morning, you are talking to God and you do the same thing with me. When you first wake up in the morning, you ask me how'd I sleep? It's literally a conversation all day long. Just how you speak with the Lord, you speak with me. So just that copy and paste was like a new revelation I had never heard of before and I had never seen that correlation of like from God to you and from you to me, like linear in that way, was just really really powerful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I'm still working on it. You know, there's some days, there's some days I don't get it right. But here's what's beautiful about all of it is it's the same thing with my relationship with God. There's some days I don't get it right. There's some days I'm rushing my time with him. There's some days I forget to run things by him and he practices so much grace, so much grace and patience with me, and every time I receive that, it's my job as your husband to give it. And there's some days it's hard. There's some days it's hard to be patient with you. There's some days it's hard to hit you with the grace and not that I told you. So there's some days I wish I could pull out the records of wrong.
Speaker 1:It's not important you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:There's some days I'm like bro, does it have to be long suffering? Can it not be short suffering? Does it have to be this long? You know? But that's what he said. He said. He said love your wives as Christ loved the church.
Speaker 2:And later on, in verse 28, he says in the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies, as they love their own bodies. So, as much as I take care of myself right in the gym, you know, you know, you know, taking care of, like what I wear, how I look, how I smell, where it says you ought to love their wives as you love your own selves. So, men, that you love yourselves, you take care of yourselves. You want the best for you. You should do the same thing for your wife. I want the best for you as I want the best for me. I want the best for you, so I want you to thrive.
Speaker 2:So if you, you, you sign a new contract or new deal opens up, or new opportunity opens up for you, for me, like I'm going to celebrate with you, because that's what Paul talked about, that's what love is. Yeah, it's celebrating, right, I'm sad when you're sad. Yeah, when you're happy, I'm happy, right. And then he says for a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself, for a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. This is crazy.
Speaker 1:I'm literally chewing on that still of like as much as you show love for me. That's actually how much you love your true self.
Speaker 2:So what I'm saying is the days that I'm not taking care of you, or the days that I'm not loving on you, or the days that I'm not showering you. Those are the days, probably, I may be projecting how I feel about myself that day.
Speaker 1:That's actually really good.
Speaker 2:So men, who probably treats their wives like crap because they feel like crap about themselves.
Speaker 1:About themselves. It's their self-worth that's reflecting Yeeks. That's wild.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And then Paul says in verse 32, this is a great mystery.
Speaker 1:That's for sure.
Speaker 2:I'm like. I'm glad he threw that in there because I know some people are still like mind blown. If you are mind blown, put it in the chat. We want to know if you're still chewing on this like we are. He says this is a great mystery.
Speaker 2:This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. It's an illustration how the Christ and the church are one. So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Oh, I'm so glad we ended it right there. Wife must respect her husband. I think we're going to talk about that in part two.
Speaker 1:We will, and what that looks like For sure.
Speaker 2:Why a wife should respect her husband.
Speaker 1:We'll dig into it for sure.
Speaker 2:That's crazy. What do you guys think about this chat? You guys feel like this is bringing value, if you have any thoughts, you have any questions, like we could talk about this all day long and we're probably going to talk about this all day long.
Speaker 1:It's true.
Speaker 2:Like this is not a conversation that we just say hit, hit record and let's talk about it for the people on the camera. We're having these real conversations here at home. Matter of fact, the reason why we talked Because we were talking about it last night, yep, and Dan Lee was like let's talk about it tomorrow. In the recording I'm like snap, like how long is this supposed to be?
Speaker 1:But I knew it was, because when things like this are and that was the whole idea of us starting this whole podcast was to share our conversations at home and when it is such a hot topic, sometimes we'll get into these like seasons where we're just kind of chewing on something between you and I and we'll keep going back to it or we'll keep saying like, no, but I was reading this scripture, how does that apply to that? Or how does this connect to that? And so it's genuinely just been a conversation in our household of like, what does this look like when we have people asking us, hey, how do we do this, how do we do that? In our relationship it's not like, well, we have this answer, we have that answer, we have this answer. It is genuinely us saying, god, show us in your word, how do we encourage these people? Show us in your word, what scripture, what story, what example should we give them?
Speaker 1:Because we do not have all the answers but, we know that in the Bible we can find our answers and that God gives the answer, and so it's never about what we have to say. It's literally like what does God want?
Speaker 2:us to say yeah, so today. Here's the gist of today's conversation. Basically, husbands, love your wives. This is how God designed it. This is the position of a husband, god's way. It's simple. Each man should love his wife as he loves himself. You love yourself. You take care of yourself. Take care of your wife. If you do not love yourself, learn to love God. Learn to love God. Learn to love Christ. He will show you how to love, and everything that you do, you project that you mirror that to your wife. And if you need to understand, okay, what does love look like, I'm going to give you the last scripture you go to first Corinthian, chapter 13. It's the blueprint of how to love. So what I like to do is husbands, first Corinthian, chapter 13, your wife.
Speaker 1:Good.
Speaker 2:That's what God has called us to do. It says to love. It says to be patient, to be kind, to not be jealous, not be boastful or proud. Right To not be rude or proud. Right To not be rude, to not demand its own way.
Speaker 1:I could have so much to say about every single one of these.
Speaker 2:Bruh husbands to not. This is what you do. This is how I love my own wife To not demand. Come on, some of y'all like like narcissistic, controlling husbands out there.
Speaker 2:That's not love Controlling your wife. It says it right here. Paul says to not demand its own way. It does not. It's not irritable. It doesn't keep records of being wrong, right, it does not rejoice about injustice. So something bad happened to your wife, something bad happened at work. She, a friend, dumped her, something happened to her family. You don't rejoice. It says it rejoices whenever the truth wins.
Speaker 2:Love never gives up. Husbands, stop giving up on your wives, stop enduring it. I said in the last relation or last conversation stop enduring it like it doesn't give up. So continue working on your marriage. Stop quitting, right, unless somebody hasn't come, take it, take your job. And then it says never lose faith. Love never loses faith. It always, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. That right there, my friend, every single guy that desires to be married, every single man that you failed on marriage and you want to try again, every single man right now you just got married or you feel like I think I'm doing okay, I'm telling you go back to 1 Corinthians 13 and it's the blueprint on how God designed for us, as husbands, to take care of our wives. This is what Christ does for us. This is what God does for us. We take that and we put it on our wives and we'll have much happier marriage.
Speaker 1:That's for sure.
Speaker 2:Let the church say amen.
Speaker 1:Amen. So, anyways, I hope y'all love this conversation. I know I did. Even just hearing it today I learned something new and it opened my heart a lot, and I am grateful that I happen to be married to the guy sitting next to me and saying all those wonderful things and that you really do walk what you talk. And so y'all know this is not just something he's saying for lip service or to tell you what to do. He's not saying nothing that he does not do in our own marriage, and I know how blessed I am to have that. So I love sharing this with you guys. I hope y'all enjoyed it. If you did like, subscribe, comment. And then, ladies, next week we're going to break down what it means to be a wife and what does that look like, based out of the Bible. So, fellas, don't miss that.
Speaker 1:Don't miss it, cause if y'all looking for a lady, you need to know what you're looking for. We're going to raise the standard for sure, all right, we love y'all Peace.